About us
we have no maximum holding period, our financial commitment is open ended.
Operational expertise
Andlinger partners have operational and line management experience, allowing us to provide profound operational and (interim) management support if needed and work with management teams constructively as active board members.
we are not restricted by fund policies or rules.
Andlinger & Company consists of – legally totally independent – offices in the US, Austria and Belgium.
we are flexible in investment selection, price structure, reps & warranties, transaction structure, etc.
we do not have formal investment committees or multiple decision layers, allowing us to make quick transaction decisions if needed, as well as quick strategic decisions during the holding period and thereby enabling companies to adapt and grow faster than their competitors.
Investment focus
controlling majority, 100 % ownership preferred (management participation preferred but not required).
primarily industrial and/or technical companies.
Client base
industrial client base or B2B.
Market position
innovation champions or strong niche players.
minimum revenues +/- $/€ 80 million. Enterprise value $/€ 1 to $/€ 150 million.
based in the US, Canada or Europe. Operations can be global. Potential to export encouraged.
Investment preferences
Succession issues
we have a history of successful negotiations with private owners based on down-to-earth approach and addressing their concerns, instead of dry “spreadsheet” approach.
Corporate Divestitures
we offer pragmatic solutions for corporate divestitures and understand specific carve-out issues, such as missing documentation or information, and have a history of providing successful stand-alone strategies for such entities.
Management issues
our partners have extensive management experience; they can function as interim managers and/or lead board actions to find solutions.
Refinancing needs
we have extensive local and international contacts with credit providers and wide experience in setting up and renegotiating financing structures.
Careful selection of companies with correct risk/reward balance.
Not limited to industrial focus.
Sectors of little interest
- Trading, distribution or contracting businesses.
- Consumer goods, retail, food, infrastructure, media, financial institutions.

- Since January 2015.
- A specialist in customized plasma surface treatment, based on continuous research in the most innovating technologies. The resulting applications and treatments are relevant for clients in a large variety of industries and markets.
- Based in Aix-en-Provence, France.
Crown Van Gelder

- Since April 2015
- A specialty paper manufacturer active in niche markets with around 280 staff and two paper machines. Its products – paper on reels – range from 40 g/m2 to 260 g/m2 and are mainly distributed in Western Europe; high speed inkjet and label grades are distributed globally.
- Based in Velsen, the Netherlands.

- Since August 2018.
- A specialist in customized vacuum and low pressure plasma surface treatment, based on continuous research in the most innovating technologies. The resulting applications and treatments are relevant for clients in a large variety of industries and markets.
- Based in Oudenaarde, Belgium.

- Since December 2016.
- ETI is one of the leading European producers of circuit protection, switchgear and complementary solutions and products for residential and commercial electrical installations, power distribution and semiconductors with sales of € 125m (2018). ETI operates production sites in Central Europe and Germany, its products being sold in more than 60 countries world-wide. Andlinger & Company bought originally a majority stake, submitted a public offer for the remaining outstanding shares and performed a squeeze-out to acquire 100% of the shares.

- Plasmalex is a one-stop shop of high-value industrial solutions that help you support new customer applications. We offer the latest innovations in plasma technology with the lowest environmental footprint.
- Our wide range of plasma treatment solutions will help you change surface characteristics at a microscopic (nanoscale) level to clean, activate, etch and coat materials.
Global Graphics

- Since 1996.
- Developer of commercial graphic image software.
- Headquarters in UK, French holding company listed on Euronext.
- Andlinger realized consecutive add-on acquisitions between 1997 and 1999, an IPO in June 1999 and general business development until 2002, after which a hardware market collapse led to a consolidation of its activities to a pure print industry RIP and workflow developer.
Magnum Materials

- Magnum Materials operates a full service mining, ready mix, concrete block and asphalt operations in central and southwest Florida, and an integrated site development operation specializing in road building from driveways to highways.
HEW-KABEL/Habia Kabel

- Since 2019
- HEW-KABEL is a market-leading developer and manufacturer of high-end specialty cables and wires catering to more than 700 customers in the automotive, industry, energy and medtech sector. With its headquarters in Wipperfürth, Germany, the Company is generating approx. € 85m in revenues with more than 400 employees. HEW-KABEL distinguishes itself through superior material competence and key specialisation areas including ultra-high temperature resistance and miniaturisation.

- since October 2022
- Habia Cable offers tailor-made cable solutions for critical connectivity needs and designs and manufactures thousands of specialised cables and harnesses for leading businesses every year. From satellites to submarines, Habia Cable can build the right solution for any application, no matter how demanding. Whatever customers need to conduct safe, reliable and efficient operations, Habia Cable makes it happen by solving the impossible. With more than 500 dedicated employees and global operations at Sweden, Germany, Poland and China and sales offices in many more countries Habia Cable is today one of the most trusted names for tailor-made cable solutions in the communication, marine, industry, defence and power generation sectors.
Mesa Parts

- Since December 2021
- Mesa Parts with locations in Lenzkirch (D), Nachod (CZ) and Lerma (MX) develops and produces ultra-precision turned parts and valves for the automotive industry and other sectors. Mesa Parts sales exceed €100 mln and the Company employs more than 760 people.

- Since 2005.
- French designer and producer of industrial slitters, (re)winders and spool convertors.
- Worldwide agents network.
- Majority of clients in non-woven and automotive sector.
Steward Advanced Materials

- Steward Advanced Materials was founded in 2002 as a division of Steward, Inc., a company with over 130 years of experience in producing technical ceramics, ferrites and EMI suppression materials.
- Today, Steward Advanced Materials is dedicated to producing highly engineered specialty materials and alloys for the defense industry and other commercial end markets.

- Since 2012.
- Manufactures gas springs, hydraulic dampers, vibration dampers, lifting columns, piston rods, crash management systems, safety systems as well as complex drives and actuators. SUSPA is the engineering partner of the automotive, machinery, furniture, white goods, medical and durable goods industries in Europe, the Americas and China.
- Headquarters in Germany, production in Czech Republic, USA, India & China.

- Complete Integrated Solutions based in the U.S. and doing business as, VP 360 Sales, is an integrator of electronic components for the public safety sector, especially for police cars, motorcycles, fixed video, speed recording devices, and license plate readers. VP360 is the only U.S. company which is able to integrate up to twenty separate products and/or processes needed to pull together the entire cycle of police surveillance equipment. They operate globally.